"Can anybody hear me?" Like everyone else on the mountain that day, firefighter Terry Cushman could feel hope beginning to fade. The golden hour—those 60 precious minutes that give trauma victims the best chance of survival—had long since passed. It had now been three hours since the ice cave in Washington's Cascade mountains had collapsed, leaving two young hikers trapped beneath.
More than 80 search-and-rescue workers from five agencies covered the mountainside near Denny Creek. Using chain saws, shovels, and their bare hands, they had cleared away tons of ice, but tons more remained. So did unanswered questions: Would the victims have enough air to breathe? Would they drown in the rising waters or give in to hypothermia before rescuers reached them? Was it already too late?
Shoving all that aside, Cushman crawled into the shifting ice and yelled again, "Can anybody hear me?" Then he held his breath, straining to hear something—anything—from the frozen rubble below.
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SKF Chart...

SKF is the short the financials trade.. Last week, the financials had one of there best percentage gains.. I expect that to be a long distant memory, as the SKF looks like its ready for a rebound right here...